In a heartbreaking development, Memphis Police found the body of a missing child in North Memphis. This led to serious charges for two individuals, including the child’s mother.
On Friday morning, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation confirmed that the body discovered shortly before midnight belonged to 4-year-old Sequoia Samuels. The police found her on Caldwell Avenue late Thursday night. She was reported missing earlier that day.
Her mother, Brittany Jackson, is now facing several charges including severe child neglect, mishandling a corpse, and filing a misleading crime report. Jackson’s boyfriend, Jaylon Hobson, is also facing charges for filing a false crime report. The police have both individuals in custody.
Memphis Police had been tirelessly searching for Sequoia for 24 hours. A specialist investigator is currently waiting for approval of a search warrant for the family home.
Sequoia’s parents initially reported her disappearance to the police, claiming that she went missing after 6 a.m. Thursday.
The disappearance sparked a large-scale search effort involving not only the Memphis Police but also the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office, and the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation. They concentrated their search efforts in and around the area of Caldwell Avenue where her body was eventually found.