In the small town of Italy, Texas, a tragedy occurred on Friday afternoon when three children were found dead and two were hospitalized in critical condition.
All of the five children were siblings in “temporary CPS care” according to Tiffani Butler of the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. One suspect has been detained by the Elllis County Sheriff’s Office with no danger to the public reported at this time.
Reports had indicated that the children were stabbed by their mother.They were placed into the care of a relative by CPS.
An investigation into the circumstances behind the devastating event has been launched, with the department also stating their commitment to ensuring the safety of all children in their care.
This incident has stirred debate and discussion on how the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services can improve their policies and procedures to help protect the safety of all kids in their care.
The department has vocalized their shock and sadness over the incident, as well as their increased focus on child safety.