Enormous ‘potentially hazardous’ asteroid to soar past Earth tomorrow – New York Post
A few days after an asteroid the size of the Golden Gate Bridge “missed” Earth, a new close encounter of the third kind is rapidly approaching at 23,300 MPH. This time the size of two Empire State Buildings is undoubtedly enough to end a giant metropolis on Earth. Fortunately, NASA has it pegged at 2 Million Miles from Earth on Flyby, as long as the math holds up and you believe in the scientists at NASA (in a positive spin for us, we do).
NASA claims to have found 90% of the planet-killing asteroids in our vicinity, leaving 10% unfound and on the hunt for our lonely planet. According to NASA, you can rest well that most asteroid strikes would likely ‘only’ take out a city, not the entire world, as the asteroid has to be more than 0.55 miles wide to create a global catastrophe.
In an additional Fun fact: A man named Tony Dunn said the asteroid which we will meet tomorrow is around the size of 217.4 giraffes; we wrote him to ask about the size of the asteroid in Bitcoin, he has yet to respond.
Read more on this story here:
- Enormous ‘potentially hazardous’ asteroid to soar past Earth tomorrow New York Post
- Asteroid twice the size of the Empire State Building will fly by the Earth Thursday Daily Mail
- ‘Potentially hazardous’ asteroid twice the size of the Empire State Building will skim past Earth Thursday, NASA says Livescience.com
- “Potentially Hazardous” Asteroid The Width Of 2000 Ferrets To Whizz Past Earth Tomorrow IFLScience
- Gigantic Asteroid Is About to Skim Past Earth, NASA Says ScienceAlert
- Tony Dunn says the asteroid is the size of 217.4 giraffes Twitter