LOS ANGELES, CA – A tragic series of events unfolded in Los Angeles County this week, involving the death of an infant, the injury of a young girl, and a murder-suicide investigation centered around their mother, Danielle Johnson. The incidents, which spanned three neighborhoods, resulted in three fatalities, including Johnson’s partner, her 8-month-old child, and Johnson herself.
Johnson, a well-known astrology influencer with the online handle @MysticxLipstick, had a significant following on social media, numbering over 100,000. In the days leading up to the tragic events, she posted a series of disturbing messages, including misinformation, antisemitic comments, and conspiracy theories. Among these were unverified theories about the origins of COVID-19 and claims about Jews promoting pedophilia in the entertainment industry.
Johnson’s posts took a more ominous turn as she began to focus on the upcoming solar eclipse. She urged her followers to “choose a side,” predicting that a significant event was on the horizon. Investigators are now examining these posts in an attempt to understand the motives behind her violent actions.
The morning of the tragic events, Johnson allegedly murdered her partner, 29-year-old Jaelen Allen Chaney, in their Woodland Hills apartment. She then drove her two daughters to the 405 Freeway in Westchester, where she forcibly ejected them from her moving vehicle. Her 8-month-old daughter, fathered by Chaney, died from the impact, while her 9-year-old daughter sustained serious injuries.
Following these horrific events, Johnson ended her own life by intentionally crashing her vehicle into a tree in Redondo Beach. Inside Johnson’s apartment, investigators discovered various items associated with mysticism and spiritual practices, including tarot cards, candles, religious figurines, and altars.
Johnson’s surviving 9-year-old daughter is currently in the custody of the Department of Children and Family Services. Her out-of-state father may potentially assume custody, though details remain uncertain.