Uber driver charged with kidnapping and sexual assault

OLYMPIA, Wash. – A Washington Uber driver is facing charges of sexual assault and kidnapping following an alleged attack on an intoxicated woman last weekend. The incident came to light after the victim’s father tracked her phone and intervened during the assault.

The alleged crime occurred near a secluded area by the Nisqually River in Olympia, where 58-year-old Ahmed Ali is accused of assaulting the woman. According to court documents, Ali picked up the woman from a bar, taking advantage of her inebriated state. Instead of driving her home, Ali reportedly manipulated his ride-hailing app to falsely indicate the ride was completed, then drove to the isolated location.

The victim’s father and relatives, concerned when she did not return home, tracked her phone and discovered her naked in the back seat of Ali’s car. They found Ali attempting to pull up his pants as he moved to the front seat. In an effort to stop him, the family confronted Ali, during which at least two shots were fired. Ali, who appeared in court with visible bandages on his hands, was detained after trying to flee and requiring medical attention.

Prosecutors have expressed concerns over the potential for further violence if Ali were released. The court found probable cause for charges of second-degree rape and first-degree kidnapping, with prosecutors requesting a $100,000 bond. The victim’s family and local residents have expressed both outrage and relief over the intervention.

The incident, occurring on Father’s Day weekend, has resonated deeply within the community. One Olympia father described the event as “justice” but lamented that it “should have never happened.” Ali, a Muslim and father of five, had family and neighbors present in the courtroom to show their support. In a surprising turn, investigators noted that Ali’s own daughter had reported him missing on the night of the alleged crime.

Thurston County has three days to officially charge Ali, who remains in custody on bond. An Uber spokesperson commented on the incident, condemning the driver’s behavior and confirming that Ali was removed from the platform immediately after the company was informed of the allegations. Uber has pledged to assist law enforcement with their investigation.