Two dead after explosive tanker crash

WORCESTER TOWNSHIP, PA – Drama unfolded on the Pennsylvania Turnpike Saturday morning when a tanker truck and two cars collided, igniting an inferno that claimed at least one life. The incident occurred around 10:30 a.m. on the northbound side of Interstate 476, halting all movement between Mid-County and Lansdale.

Eyewitnesses shared alarming footage of thick, black smoke enveloping the sky, a testament to the scale and severity of the fire. First responders arrived swiftly, battling the flames and working diligently to prevent further escalation. Social media was abuzz with updates, with the Official PA Turnpike account providing regular information on the evolving situation.

Traffic remained at a standstill for hours, with several drivers trapped in the ensnaring gridlock. Ed McFarland, one such driver, reported endless lines of stationary cars and a landscape devoid of movement. As firefighters continued their efforts to subdue the blaze, PA Turnpike authorities advised drivers to stay inside their vehicles and await further direction. The primary focus is ensuring safety and a swift return to normalcy.