Water gun fight turns into violent shooting

GREENBELT, MD – A casual water gun fight during a traditional “senior skip day” celebration in a Maryland park took a horrifying turn on Friday. At least one individual opened fire, shooting five teenagers, with one sustaining critical injuries. The perpetrator remains unknown. Providing information during an evening press conference, Greenbelt Police Chief Richard Bowers shared his shock and frustration. The students were simply enjoying senior skip day at a local park, and such a …

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Gunman opens fire on South Carolina beach during high school senior skip day

A shocking incident occurred on the Isle of Palms, a city approximately 15 miles northwest of Charleston, South Carolina, when a gunman opened fire on a beach crowded with high school students celebrating their senior skip day. At least six individuals were injured by the gunfire, all of whom sustained non-life-threatening injuries. The victims were predominantly teenagers around the age of 18. Authorities believe the shooting was sparked by altercations among a large crowd of …

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