On Monday, two students tragically lost their lives in a shooting that occurred at an outreach center for young people in need. A third person was taken to the hospital as a result of the incident, according to information released in multiple reports.
Sgt. Paul Parizek of the Des Moines Police Department informed the media that a shooting occurred at Starts Right Here, a non-profit organization related to the Des Moines school system.
The Des Moines Register, citing Parizek, reported that the third injured individual is undergoing surgery and is in a critical state.
The Des Moines Police Department shared on Twitter that numerous possible suspects were detained in connection with a shooting. As per a police press release, the suspects were apprehended two miles from the scene after a traffic stop was conducted.
According to the Des Moines Register, rapper and activist Will Holmes is the founder of Starts Right Here.
Governor Kim Reynolds gave a statement concerning the shooting incident, as reported by KKTV. She said, “I’ve seen first-hand how hard Will Keeps and his staff works to help at-risk kids through this alternative education program. My heart breaks for them, these kids and their families.”