Earlier this week the cargo vessel, Monjasa Reformer, which is owned by a Danish company and carries a Liberian flag, was suddenly intercepted by assailants claiming to be pirates on Saturday.
Although the crew took precautionary measures, their resistance could not prevent the abductions of the personnel. Sixteen crew members in all were taken from the ship. Those taken are of unknown nationality while the French navy located the remaining crew members in a secure setting, safe and unharmed.
The Gulf of Guinea is the foremost region of maritime piracy in the world. With the aim of abating the recurrent episodes of attacks, in May the UN Security Council approved a resolution to fight piracy in the area.
The Monjasa Reformer is only one of the thirty ships of the company, navigating from West Africa, Northwest Europe, the Arabian Gulf, and Panama to transport marine fuels over the globe.
It’s implausible that the campaigns seek resolution overnight, however relevant steps like those taken by the UN Security Council remain a significant stride to assure the safety of mariners and their vessels.