A tragic event unfolded in Newton County when a man lost his life after being stabbed during an alleged home invasion. The incident, which took place on Georgia Highway 162 in Covington on May 5 at approximately 8:22 p.m., resulted in the death of 39-year-old Randell Whitley.
According to the Newton County Sheriff’s Office, Whitley, along with Margie Love, 35, Anthony McDonald, 18, and Garrett Blackwell, 21, allegedly invaded the home without permission to confront Love’s former partner.
However, this narrative is being challenged by a relative of McDonald. Contradicting the Sheriff’s Office statement, the family member claims the group was called over due to a “domestic dispute.” She alleges that a woman at the residence reached out for help, claiming she was under attack, prompting Love, McDonald, Blackwell, and Whitley to rush to her aid.
The Sheriff’s Office maintains that an altercation ensued at the property, resulting in Whitley being stabbed. He was taken to the hospital, where he succumbed to his injuries. The perpetrator of the stabbing was not specified by the Sheriff’s Office.
In the aftermath of the incident, Love and McDonald were arrested, while Blackwell later handed himself over to the Newton County Jail, as stated by the deputies.
Love, McDonald, and Blackwell are now facing serious charges, including first-degree home invasion, murder, and aggravated assault.