On Tuesday, a rescue mission took place in Thailand when a 19-month-old girl was retrieved from a dry artesian well shaft in northern Thailand. The little girl had fallen into the hole at a cassava farm 18 hours before.
Rescuers expressed their elation when the two-year-old daughter of migrant workers from Myanmar was rescued from a 15-meter (49-foot) deep well shaft. As she was lifted out of the shaft, the crowd erupted into applause while she was placed on a stretcher and brought to a waiting ambulance.
On Monday late afternoon, the little girl accidentally fell into the hole while her parents were occupied at the farm.
On Tuesday, Sanya Phetset, the district chief of Phop Phra, informed Thairath TV that the landowner had dug a deep pit in the hopes of creating an artesian well, but they had been unable to find groundwater. Because of this, the pit was left uncovered.
When the first responders reached the scene, they yelled into the opening and were met with a response from the child, according to local news sources. Subsequently, a camera was inserted into the opening to assess the situation and a tube was inserted to provide oxygen.
Rescuers worked throughout the night utilizing various pieces of machinery to help the child escape. They used tools such as backhoes and other excavation equipment, to dig alongside the 12-inch wide pit.