Five masked men attack school graduation ceremony

UNIONDALE, NY – A violent altercation marred the celebration of a charter school graduation on Long Island, leaving two people injured after an attack by five masked assailants. The incident occurred outside Hofstra University’s David S. Mack Sports and Exhibition Complex shortly after the ceremony concluded around 4 p.m. on Wednesday.

According to sources, the attack was premeditated and targeted an adult guest at the Uniondale Charter School’s graduation. The assailants, wearing masks, slashed one adult in the leg and a graduate in the ear. The motive behind the attack is believed to be linked to a domestic dispute, as stated by officials from Academy Charter High Schools.

Academy Charter High Schools emphasized that all attendees had passed through security checks, including magnetometers, before entering the graduation venue. The attack took place outside the venue, and the school’s security team is fully cooperating with Nassau County Police and Hofstra Public Safety officers in the ongoing investigation.

Both victims were promptly transported to nearby medical facilities and are expected to recover from their injuries. The incident has raised concerns about safety measures at public events, even when stringent security protocols are in place.

Authorities are actively investigating the circumstances surrounding the attack, and no arrests have been made at this time. The community remains on edge as they await further updates from law enforcement.

This incident has cast a shadow over what should have been a joyous occasion, highlighting the need for increased vigilance and security at large gatherings.