Apple, Google, and Microsoft Want to Kill Your Passwords and Place All Trust with Them

Apple, Google, and Microsoft want to kill the password with “Passkey” standard – Ars Technica

Apple, Google, and Microsoft are launching a “joint effort” to kill the password by allowing users to log in using their phone instead. This new standard is called a “passkey” and it works like two-factor authentication.

This new FIDO scheme uses Bluetooth to verify physical proximity, which makes it phishing-resistant. It works with most smartphones and laptops, but may have compatibility issues with older desktop PCs.

Passkeys can be backed up by a big platform-holder like Apple or Google, which makes it easy to bring your credentials to a new device and sync across devices.

Companies have been trying to go “passwordless” for years, but getting there has been tough. Humans aren’t great at memorizing long, random strings of characters.

Apple has a passkey system in iOS 15 and macOS Monterey, and Google’s support is already spotted in Play Services on Android.

Read more on this at the following additional news sources:

  1. Apple, Google, and Microsoft want to kill the password with “Passkey” standard  Ars Technica
  2. Apple, Google, and Microsoft team up to support passwordless FIDO logins  The Verge
  3. Apple, Google and Microsoft commit to ‘end-to-end’ password-free sign-ins  Engadget
  4. Google, Microsoft, and Apple Say You’ll Soon Be Able to Use the Same Login on Any Browser  Gizmodo
  5. Tech giants expand support for ‘a passwordless world’  Healthcare IT News