Woman stabbed to death by ex-boyfriend on the street

WASHINGTON HEIGHTS, NY – A woman was tragically stabbed to death in Washington Heights while on her way to work. Loved ones identified the victim as 29-year-old Shirley Rodriguez. Shockingly, the man believed to be responsible for the deadly incident is her ex-boyfriend, who allegedly waited for her outside her residence before attacking her.

Rodriguez was stabbed multiple times, leading to panic and horror among neighbors who heard her screams for help. According to one resident living opposite the crime scene at 134 Haven Avenue, he witnessed a man dragging and stabbing Rodriguez before fleeing, leaving her seriously injured.

Despite being raced to the hospital, it was too late for Rodriguez. Neighbors and local residents expressed their shock and concern about the brutal attack. One of them, Valerie Reyes, said such actions are indicative of extreme mental instability.

Law enforcement officials confirmed that the fatal altercation took place around 5:35 a.m. The primary suspect is believed to be Rodriguez’s ex-boyfriend. Maria Camilo, an intimate partner violence specialist, emphasized the importance of recognizing red flags in abusive relationships.

As of Monday, no arrests have been made in connection with Rodriguez’s murder. Sources indicated that the suspect was seen fleeing towards Fort Washington Park. Another neighbor claimed she noticed a man dressed in black hiding behind a vehicle just minutes before Rodriguez’s violent demise.