San Francisco, once renowned for its picturesque skyline and the joys of urban living, finds itself engulfed in tragedy. In a single week, the city ends up seeing two life-threatening acts of violence – one of which resulted in the death of beloved tech executive Bob Lee and the other leaving former Fire Commissioner Don Carmignani fighting for life in the hospital with serious injury.
The assault on Carmignani occurred in the Marina district, close to his residence, when a group of homeless citizens viciously struck him with a knife and pipe.
Joe Alioto Veronese, a family friend and reputed Bay Area lawyer, reported this news on Twitter, in addition to updating everyone on Carmignani’s current condition ‘of clinging to life’ at San Francisco General Hospital.
This brutal attack came just a few days after the fatal stabbing of Bob Lee, a 43-year-old father of two and the Founder of Cash App. Jake Shields, Lee’s friend and professional Mixed Martial Artist, shared in an interview that his friend had moved to Miami to escape the safety issues surrounding San Francisco, a prime example of the concern citizens have developed regarding their own safety living in the city.
During a city meeting following the violence committed against Carmignani, San Francisco Supervisor Catherine Stefani suggested that the scarce police could’ve contributed to the event.
Specifically, Carmignani’s mother had called for help to a group of homeless drug users loitering outside her home, yet no one responded. This evidence alone paints a concerning picture of the state of security and enforcement in the city.
Garret Dotsy, 24, has been arrested and accused of carrying out the attack.
As of 2023, the majority of major crimes in the city have declined in contrast to the levels last year. But unfortunately, violent crime has increased slightly over the same time, triggered by spikes of 18% in robberies and 33% in homicides. Moreover, while felony assaults have remained consistent, incidental assaults have increased by 13%.
Any persons with information concerning the death of Lee are encouraged to contact the San Francisco tip line at 1-415-575-4444