In a heartbreaking incident, two newborn babies were discovered lifeless at a daycare center in Chicago. The police were alerted after a cleaning crew stumbled upon the infants inside a bathroom at the facility. The authorities have launched death investigations into the tragic incident.
Chicago police responded to a distress call at around 6:59 p.m. at a child care center located in the Streeterville neighborhood on East Ontario Street. Upon arrival, they found two newborn girls unresponsive inside a trash bag. Dispatchers had informed the officers about the babies’ presence in the bag, and when the first responders arrived, the infants were not breathing. Urgently, the girls were rushed to Lurie Children’s Hospital, where they were later pronounced dead.
During the distressing discovery, a woman was also found inside the daycare facility. She was immediately taken to Northwestern Memorial Hospital for treatment of unspecified injuries. A spokesperson from Northwestern Medicine confirmed the incident, describing it as an emergency medical situation involving a daycare employee. The hospital is fully cooperating with the ongoing police investigation into the tragic deaths.
While the investigation is still underway, no suspects have been apprehended, according to the Chicago police. Area Three detectives are leading the inquiry, initially classifying it as endangering the life or health of children. The authorities have not released any information regarding the age or race of the infants.