Hannah Serfass, a talented 15-year-old equestrian from Florida, lost her life in a deadly riding accident at Fox Lea Farms in Sarasota over the weekend. Serfass was taking part in a riding and jumping exercise when the incident occurred.
During the exercise, the horse unexpectedly leaned forward after an awkward step, causing Serfass to fall off. The horse then toppled over, landing on the young rider’s head. Bystanders quickly rushed to her aid, and emergency crews soon arrived at the scene.
Serfass was transported to Sarasota Memorial Hospital, where she was pronounced dead. A statement was issued by the United States Equestrian Federation that described her as a highly skilled, emerging young rider who was dedicated to her craft.
The tragic event has devastated the local equestrian community. Fox Lea Farms expressed their heartbreak in a statement, extending their condolences to Serfass’ family, trainer, friends, and the broader equestrian community.
Quaxx, the 12-year-old gelding involved in the accident, was not injured. The United States Equestrian Federation stated that they take all accidents very seriously and will thoroughly review this incident to determine what measures can be taken to minimize risks and enhance safety in the sport.