In a tragic incident, Miami-Dade Police Department has identified four of the five individuals killed in a quadruple murder-suicide in a Florida home.
Dhani Aguilar, 24, shot and killed Yoanka Aguilar, 54, Beatriz Ferrer David, 24, Barbara David Ballesteros, 58, and another unidentified male before taking his own life. The identities of the deceased were confirmed in a police news release.
Dhani Aguilar was the son of Yoanka Aguilar. Her ex-husband, Rolando Aguilar, identified Dhani as his son and confirmed their relation.
On Friday, officers were called to a Miami Lakes home for a welfare check after a concerned family member reported being unable to contact the residents.
Upon arrival, officers entered the residence through a back window and discovered five individuals with fatal gunshot wounds. Police determined that Dhani Aguilar was the shooter, and he was found in a bedroom with a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
The motive behind the tragic incident remains undisclosed, and the investigation into the deadly shooting is ongoing.