(Seattle) A Franklin High School science educator is facing severe accusations of engaging in multiple sexual acts with an underage student, according to prosecutors from King County.
On Friday, Seattle police were summoned to the school after reports of a “sexual offense with a child”. When questioned, the student informed law enforcement that she had begun a “consensual sexual relationship” with the teacher since the second of February 2023.
Furthermore, the student said that the pair exchanged more than 3000 messages, some of which included explicit comments, via various communication media. Prosecutors believe there is enough evidence to press five indictments of first-degree sexual misconduct and one of immoral communications with a minor and they asked that the culprit’s bail be set at a considerable amount of $250,000. The presiding judge decided to halve this, however, and the culprit will be asked to post a $100,000 bail.
In the wake of these charges, Seattle Public Schools has suspended the teacher from his official duties and banned him from school premises, as well as from attending any school related events.
The district is striving to determine and address the matter through the Human Resources Office and the Student Civil Rights Bureau. Additionally, the Seattle Police Department has been informed of the situation and will be consulted by said district. In accordance with policy, the teacher’s identity shall not be disclosed until he is formally convicted.
The accusations posed against the teacher are daunting and prompt quick action. The employed measures thus far should ensure the safety of the entire student body, while progress is being made to fairly adjudicate according to the standards of law.
The teacher is currently out on a $100,000 bail.