In South Los Angeles, two individuals lost their lives in a hit-and-run collision that led to the subsequent arrest of the alleged driver. The fatal accident transpired early Sunday morning at 3998 S. Normandie Ave., according to Brian Humphrey from the Los Angeles Fire Department.
The accused driver, Elmer Santos, 31, hailing from Los Angeles, was reportedly behind the wheel of a white Jeep Wrangler Rubicon. The victims, in a white BMW, were leaving a drive-thru restaurant at the intersection of Normandie and Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard when Santos’s vehicle struck them.
Tragically, both individuals in the BMW did not survive the incident, confirmed by the Los Angeles Police Department. The victims were later identified by the Los Angeles County Coroner’s office as Kevin Castillo, 20, of Pomona, and Maria Polanco Aviles, 20, of Los Angeles.
Santos, instead of aiding the victims, chose to flee the scene on foot. However, with the assistance of eyewitnesses who tried to keep him in sight, authorities were able to apprehend him at his residence later.
LAPD Detective Ryan Moreno reported on Monday that Santos was arrested under suspicion of murder. Currently, Santos is being held on a $2 million bail by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.