A tragic event unfolded in Merced when a 10-year-old boy, Anthony Duran, passed away from injuries sustained during an altercation with another child at a local trampoline park last Thursday.
The incident took place at the Rockin’ Jump, a popular entertainment venue, where Duran was playing basketball with other children. An argument broke out at some point between Duran and another child. However, the cause of their disagreement remains unknown.
Following the altercation, witnesses saw Duran collapse. Meanwhile, the other child involved fled the scene. Authorities have since identified the child and are in contact with his parents.
Bystanders at the park immediately stepped in to perform CPR on the unconscious Duran until medical personnel arrived on the scene. He was taken to a hospital nearby for further treatment, but tragically, he passed away on Sunday.
A GoFundMe page was created by Duran’s family to help cover funeral expenses.
The precise cause of Duran’s death is yet to be determined. In the meantime, the Merced Police Department has been actively investigating the incident. Detectives have already reviewed surveillance footage from the trampoline park and interviewed nearly three dozen staff members, parents, and other children present at the time.
The Merced County District Attorney’s office is collaborating with the police to determine whether charges will be filed in relation to the incident.