ATHENS, GA – A devastating incident unfolded in an Athens neighborhood on Friday night as a 3-year-old boy, Kyron Zarco, was fatally shot while inside his home. His mother, Shanita Smith, said the shooting occurred while Kyron and his 9-year-old brother were on the couch, watching a movie in their Hallmark Mobile Home Park residence.
The Athens-Clarke County Police responded to a call from the mobile home park at approximately 5:30 p.m. Upon arrival, they found two children and one adult suffering from gunshot wounds.
Of those injured, two were Smith’s children. Her 9-year-old son, who also suffered gunshot wounds, is reportedly doing well and in hospital undergoing treatment. However, Kyron did not survive his injuries. Smith, a mother of six, is grieving his loss.
“My baby didn’t even have a chance,” she said. Details about the adult injured in the shooting and their relationship to the incident are yet unknown.
Smith and her fiancé live in the neighborhood with their six children, a little over a mile from Athens Ben-Epps Airport. The grieving mother said she loves her children dearly and would do everything for them.
Authorities currently have no suspect in custody connected to the fatal shooting. However, a $1,000 reward has been offered for any information leading to an arrest in this case. Individuals with information about this incident are urged to contact Crime Stoppers.