U.S. Navy Sailors Get Sick From Drinking Water Contaminated With Jet Fuel

Five sailors are sickened after water tanks aboard USS Nimitz were contaminated with JET FUEL: Emergency procedure to flush out water supply fails within days -Daily Mail The Navy acknowledged five sailors’ health issues on Thursday, two weeks after jet fuel was first detected in the water supply aboard the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier. The Navy said it had found the source of the leak and declared the issue resolved on Sept. 21. 5 sailors …

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Vast Water Stores On The Moon Could Be The Secret To Life

Ancient Moon Volcanoes May Supply Future Astronauts With Drinking Water and Rocket Fuel – SciTechDaily Billions of years ago, the moon was covered in hot lava that created the dark blotches that give the face of the moon its distinctive appearance today. Now, new research suggests that volcanoes may have left ice sheets on the moon’s poles. Researchers studied computer simulations of conditions on the moon long before complex life arose on Earth and discovered …

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