Suspect arrested in Chicago for alleged murder of flower delivery man

A man accused of fatally shooting a flower delivery man in Oakland, California has been apprehended in Chicago. The suspect, Eric Locelvira, was wanted for the murder of Matthew Gaidos, which occurred at the end of June. Eyewitnesses reported a sudden altercation between the two men, leading to the tragic incident. One witness, Chris Folse, narrowly escaped the gunfire as he entered his apartment building, recounting the harrowing experience.

According to Chris Folse, who was in the vicinity at the time, the incident unfolded rapidly. He heard a loud bang, followed by the victim’s desperate cries for help. Folse, who was walking his dog around 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, quickly sought refuge in his apartment building. Surveillance footage captured the moments leading up to the shooting, showing Locelvira walking dogs and engaging in a heated argument with Gaidos.

Authorities revealed that the victim, Matthew Gaidos, was delivering flowers when he exchanged words with a passerby. The verbal altercation escalated, with Gaidos throwing a vase and the suspect responding by firing a gun. The tragic encounter left Gaidos dead and shocked the Oakland community. The motive behind the dispute remains unclear.

Following an intensive investigation, law enforcement agencies tracked down Eric Locelvira in Chicago, where he was subsequently arrested. The cooperation between Oakland and Chicago authorities played a crucial role in apprehending the suspect. The arrest brings a sense of relief to the victim’s family and the Oakland community, who have been mourning the loss of Matthew Gaidos.