A 19-year-old college student from New Jersey tragically lost his life while vacationing in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, during spring break. Henry Meacock, an Ohio State University student, fell from the third floor of the Melia Hotel on March 15 while attempting to retrieve a dropped item for another guest.
According to the Jalisco state attorney general and medical examiner, Meacock tried to jump from one balcony to another to help a girl who had dropped her ID or phone from her balcony.
Unfortunately, he fell through a plexiglass platform during the attempt. This incident marked the second time someone had fallen from the third floor of the hotel that month. The other victim, a 23-year-old man, survived the fall.
Social media posts from residents of Meacock’s hometown of Westfield, New Jersey, detailed the tragic event. Some posts suggested he was trying to retrieve a phone rather than an ID for the other guest.
He was described as a “gentleman to his very core” and “the most genuine soul” in his online obituary. A former soccer player and golf caddie, Meacock was a dedicated fan of West London’s Queens Park Rangers Football Club. He also enjoyed spending time at the New Jersey shore with his high school friends and embraced student life at Ohio State University, where he was known for his playlists.
Following Meacock’s death, his older sister Ellie, 22, posted a heartfelt tribute on Instagram, expressing her disbelief and love for her brother.
The Jalisco prosecutor’s office is still conducting interviews and investigating the case, but a spokesperson stated that the fall is believed to be an accident. The U.S. State Department is closely monitoring the investigation and stands ready to provide appropriate consular assistance.