On May 25, 2023, a catastrophic event occurred in the town of Nash, Texas, as authorities apprehended 18-year-old Cesar Olalde in connection with the fatal shooting of four family members.
In response to a distressing call, law enforcement officers found Cesar barricaded inside a home in Nash. Inside the residence, authorities found the bodies of Cesar’s parents, Reuben Olalde and Aida Garcia, his older sister Lisbet Olalde, and his younger brother Oliver Olalde, all deceased in a bathroom.
Following his arrest, Bowie County court records show that Cesar was ordered to be held in jail on a $10 million bond, with an attorney soon appointed to represent the suspect in court.
The small town of Nash, Texas, consists of only 3,800 people and is situated on the western side of Texarkana, close to the Arkansas state boundary.
The tragedy of the Olaldes has affected the entire town of Nash deeply, causing shock waves among residents and prompting questions about the mental state of the accused and the safety of the local community.
It is still unknown what was the root cause of the killings, though what is certain is that the incident has left a devastating impact on the family and the entire community.